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Monday, June 17, 2024

Celebrating Great Social Media Marketing - Boursin Cheese - First Place!

Great Social Media Marketing - Organic Reach

There are many aspects to what is involved in creating a great Social Media Marketing campaign, but one of the most important parts is to ensure that whoever is doing your social media marketing, is listening and responding to people talking about your brand on Social Media in a manner that fits with your policies.

Social Media Marketing Done Right Award - Boursin Cheese

Today's Virtual Award for SMM done right goes to the Social Media Marketing team at Boursin Cheese. 
Just check out this fabulous reply I received after posting how much I enjoyed their cheese!
Screenshot of tweet from Boursin Cheese. Text reads:This is an absolutely beautiful gesture!! Thanks for sharing it truly touched our hearts.
Boursin Cheese Reply Screenshot from Twitter
"Boursin Cheese Verified Twitter Account @BoursinCheese -Apr.22
Replying to @sister_su
This is an absolutely beautiful gesture! Thanks for sharing! It truly touched our hearts!
Now, how would you feel getting a lovely tweet like that? The next time you went to the grocery store would you seek out that cheese? Would you tell your friends, neighbours and even strangers about how you were treated by this company?
I'm sure you can easily see the importance of having a keen Social Media Marketing team that listens to the market and responds to positive comments about your products and services.
What would you reply to a lovely tweet like the one I received from Boursin Cheese?
Oh my! I can't believe I did not reply immediately to their Tweet! Something very strange must have happened the day I was writing this post. 
I'm certainly glad that I came across this old draft post today and was able to reply to  BoursinCheese on what is now X here.

Social Media Marketing Done Right Runner Up - Joe Fresh

Just as important, or perhaps even more important as replying to positive comments on social media is replying quickly to customer complaints that are posted publicly.  Many people who complain publicly do so because they were unable to get an answer that satisfied them in any other way. 
For example, the complaint I have been lodging with Joe Fresh after ordering two hoodies from them seven months ago and not having them arrive, nor receiving the refund that was promised by their customer care team. The Social Media Marketing Team at Joe Fresh gets runner-up in this week's Social Media Marketing Done Right Awards. 
Why runner up? 
While the Social Media Marketing team at Joe Fresh did well asking me to DM them. You want to be seen as responding quickly and compassionately to customer complaints.
 However, it was very frustrating to have them ask me the same questions repeatedly when they could have scrolled back through our previous conversation to get the information they requested: Name, email address etc. rather than me having to scroll back through the messages and refresh their memory. You do not want to do anything that could potentially annoy an already unhappy customer. Most people realize the Social Media Marketing team cannot do anything about their complaint, but I do think that they can scroll through the previous report and notify customer service once again that there is a clean-up needed on "aisle Twitter."

I finally did get me reimbursement from Joe Fresh. And I have since ordered clothes from them several times - all of which have arrived in a timely fashion and I have been quite impressed with the quality of their clothes.

Curious about what I tweeted that caught the eye of the Social Media Marketing team at Boursin Cheese? 
Do you have any nominees for Social Media Marketing Done Right Awards?  Please post your suggestions in the comments below and we'll do our best to let everyone know!
Note: This blog has referral links that help our writers eat when you make purchases through them. 

About This Author

Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She is a Trent/Queen's Concurrent Education graduate with over 20 years of teaching experience. She writes on several blogs, has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su See her link tree for more details:@Sister_Su | Linktree

This post was proofread with the free version of Grammarly

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